1: Introduction

The Sustainable Development Goals as proclaimed by the United Nations in september 2015 are of great interest. To improve life on the planet ‘without leaving anyone behind’ to me seems an obligation to us all. That is from a personal perspective. The challenge and ideas behind the 17 goals are to be loudly applauded for. How though, do we implement them? The United Nations is a moloch, an organization that consists of many subdivisions, committees and boards. It isn’t easy to understand the impact of all the reports and conferences that are held in major cities around the globe on a regular base.  Let alone the issue of how to reach out and deliver the message to everyone on the planet. So my professional aim with this essay is to look at the daily practice of the SDG’s. A contribution to spread not only the word but turning that word into action. To make the goals the norm. Where to start? I am convinced of an interdisciplinary approach. Looking at issues from different perspectives and angles enriches any discussion and contributes to finding solutions. With a design background, in this essay I focus on Goal 12 and the eventual other goals that are closely related:

          -ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns-

A quote from the original document 'Transforming our world- the 2030 agenda for sustainable development': 
"We envisage a world in which consumption and production patterns and use of all natural resources- from air to land, from rivers, lakes and aquifers to oceans and seas- are sustainable." 

Here's a short introduction made by the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development.
It shows the importance of action on a practical level, as well as the need to cooperate in finding solutions for the major challenges. That's what I aim with this working essay. I hope it will develop along the way together with others. As political researcher Ulrike Guerot said in a Tegenlicht documentary in 2016:

" I want to sow ideas and then harvest together with others".


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